Hypertension Natural Cure

Ayurveda approach

According to Ayurveda, hypertension falls under three types: vata, pitta and kapha.

Vata is responsible for the blood vessels constricting and this often happens to people in their old age (around 65). The blood vessel walls thickens and the passage becomes narrow, and this results high blood pressure.

Pitta on the other hand, is related to the rushing of blood with more force, increasing the blood pressure.

Like vata, kapha too narrows the arteries but it is related to increased blood viscosity as a result of fatty deposits in the artery walls.

Some causes for high blood pressure includes anger and anxiety, emotional and physical stress. Heavy responsibilities tension at work or stressful situations too can send the blood pressure up. These conditions can constrict the blood vessels and can increase blood pressure for a long time and at an accelerating rate.

With your doctor’s approval and guidance, you can try some of these Ayurveda remedies and if they prove helpful in controlling your hypertension, you may want to gradually reduce your medication and replace them. Your doctor will supervise you.

Start by changing your diet. The following food for hypertension can be effective in lowering your blood pressure:

· Watermelon
Eat watermelon with a pinch of cardamom and coriander makes a mild diuretic and this helps regulate blood pressure.

· Mango and Milk
Drink a cup of mango juice. About an hour later, take ½ cup warm milk with a pinch of nutmeg and cardamom and if you do not have high cholesterol level, also add a teaspoon of ghee.

· Peach juice with cardamom
Drink 1 cup of freshly squeezed peach juice with a pinch of cardamom and a teaspoon of coriander. Take this drink twice or 3 times a day to reduce high blood pressure.

· Honey Water
Drinking honey water helps reduce cholesterol, helps regulate blood pressure and maintains vasodilatation. Mix a teaspoon of honey with 5 to 10 drops of apple cider vinegar to a cup of hot water and drink this early in the morning.

· Orange juice with coconut water
Mix 2 parts fresh orange juice with 1 part coconut water (taken from the inside of a fresh coconut). Drink ½ to a cup twice or 3 times a day.

· Cucumber raita
Raita is a yogurt-based condiment often used in Indian cooking and using cucumber as an excellent source of diuretic, you can add this cucumber raita in your meals to help regulate blood pressure.

See below for recipe (taken from page 138, “Vasant Lad and Usad Lad, Ayurvedic Cooking for Self-healing”, Albuuquerque, Ayurveda Press, 1994):

2 cucumbers
4 curry leaves
1 small handful fresh cilantro leaves
3 tablespoons ghee
1 pinch hing
1 pinch cayenne or ½ small chilli, chopped
½ teaspoon cumin seeds
½ teaspoon black mustard seeds
½ cup fresh plain yogurt

Skin cucumbers and grate. Pour and discard any remaining juice. Heat the ghee over a medium heat in a saucepan. Add the cumin, mustard, hing and curry leaves and cook til the seeds crackle.

· Add in the cilanto and the chilli or cayenne. Shake the pan and remove from heat. Set aside to cool. Next stir the yogurt and grated cucumber in a bowl and add the cooled spices. Mix well and serve as a side dish.

· Mung dal soup
Make a soup of mung dal with a pinch of tumeric, cilanto and cumin is said to be an excellent remedy for people with high blood pressure.

· Shitali pranayama breathing exercise
This breathing exercise can help regulate blood pressure. Make a tube with your tongue and inhale through this tube into the abdomen. Hold breath for a few seconds. Then continue by breathing out through your nostrils.

· Yoga asanas
Try Yoga Mudra and the Moon Salutation for helping control high blood pressure.

· Meditation
Meditation can effectively control hypertension and research studies by National Institute of Health reveals that it has none of the negative side effects frequently associated with drugs for high blood pressure.

· Exercise with care
If you have high blood pressure, do not increase it by doing the Headstand, carrying anything extremely heavy or strenuous or do vigorous exercises without your doctor’s advice.

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